Help me! I need some support...
The day I was dismissed from the hospital 2/21/06 I got on a scale in the hallway and I weighed 327 lbs. That means that since my pre - op appointment on 2/15 (310lbs), I had gained 17 lbs. I was very perplexed, but I knew I had been binging right before I came into the hospital for surgery and they gave me round the clock i.v. fluids up until 30 mins before I was released from the hospital. At my 2 week check up I was down to 299 and I am 301 today. I thought you only lost weight in the beginning. I don't exercise everyday because I end up so exhausted every time I walk 30 mins or more. What am I supposed to do? Am I just being impatient? I want to get on the scale and really see a difference. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I found that looking at the scale too much was frustrating...
Don't worry... you are gonna lose weight. People lose weight at different levels. Just remember to keep moving!! Maybe take several short walks a day.
I remember several hospital visits and finding out that I had gained weight. OMG~~it was awful but drinking plenty of water and walking as much as I could helped to eliminate what I was retaining once I got home.
Good luck!!
CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am shaking you right now. You are finally on the other side of this so let this surgery work or next you will be getting a lobotmy (sp). You did not get 300 plus lbs over night. I do need you to continue to exercise because that makes the difference in how you surgery looks on you. Some people look good after they loose the weight and some.........
Oh well, just calm down and stop paying the pimp (the scale). Girl the pimp will have you up in the middle of the night. Don't do it to yourself. Just follow you doctor's instruction and enjoy your new self every step of the way.

You are doing just fine, don't panic, I know it's hard to be patient,but like Roz said you didn't gain it all over night, so you aren't going to lose it over night,but it will happen!! Just keep up the good work and make sure to get your exercise ,water,protein and vitamins. I know it is hard, but it gets easier and we are all here to support you always, Take Care! Rachel