Deeply ashamed 1 year 4 days out
Today I had to go to see my Dr for my 1 year follow up. I have not been doing what I should and I have paid for it with a rather large butt chewing this morning. I have been self distructing for the past several months and got my ass handed to me for my efforts or the lack of. I gained 5 lbs but the worst was gaining considerable fat mass and losing muscle mass. I feel real like a failure because I know better. So starting today I am getting back on track. I have been given an appt next month on the 12th with strict orders to be down 15 lbs. I guess I'll brush the dust off the gazzelle and start using it like I am supposed to be. Not to mention a major change in my diet. You all are my extended family and I will be leaning on you as I correct my lifestyle. I didn't have this surgery to fail and I refuse to do so.

Marty - we are your family here through good times and bad....
NO WORRIES...we will hold you accountable. I think we all need a reality check sometimes as it is. I'm almost 2 years out and can eat NON STOP anything I put in front of me within a few hours. (Some things take longer than others....)
If there is anything we can do to help you get back on track let us know!
Dee Dee