my issues after surgery
You're not very far postop - yes? Are you getting enough fluids in? If not, the skin is one of the first things (among other things, obviously) that can show a sign of dehydration. One thing I did - while working on getting my fluid intake up was to put a thin layer of baby oil on my skin, let it soak in while I brushed teeth, heated the shower water, etc. and then got in the shower and washed off whatever hadn't soaked in. Helped a LOT. But also, if you're worried you might be dehydrated, do talk to your doc! (((HUGS))) it can get very serious, very quickly!
Where have you been? I called three times on Saturday and got the voicemail twice and your son once, saying that you "weren't in". You know I was PANICKING!!!! Like where did she go?!!!!!!
I am at Leslie's house right now. If you get this message before 11:00, you can reach me at 770-299-5720 otherwise I should be home after 11:30. I know my sleep schedule was totally backwards after surgery, so whatever time you are up will be fine. My cell phone is temporarily out of commission, until I can get it charged again.
Talk to you later