Overweight! Thnx Kia!
I am moderately overweight! NOT morbidly obese! BMI 29.9
And I have Kara to thank for the wonderful news (even though she doesn't know it). I was checking out her newly updated profile, looking very beautiful, btw, and came across her 'Find My BMI' chart, thought I'd do a little check and low and behold, "You are moderately over weight, you do NOT have a BMI high enough to be considered for this surgery"
Yee Hawww!!!
And I know no one in the world understands this feeling like y'all! I had tears of joy running down my face.
Thank you all for the daily dose of support!!
God Bless You,

Ty for the vote of confidence
I can honestly say after working weekends in the ER for almost a month now that the more I go work there the more I realize how little I know! I am just chipping away at this huge mountain of knowledge I will need to know lol. It definately helps having been a patient a few times to put myself in their shoes so to speak.

Barb, I am so thrilled for you. I know you are so happy as I am for you. You are the sweetest person who deserves only the best. so when are you ever going to come to one of the meetings? Break out of that shell and join us I would love to meet you. Your words of encourgement and praise have helped me in ways you just don't know. So here is a big (((((HUG))) for you.. Love ya ...Beth