Going back to work tomorrow

on 1/23/06 5:02 am
Okay - I went today to see Dr. Ashraf and I swear that woman is a Godsend!!! She's so sweet and makes me feel so at ease when I see her. She's THRILLED with my out come so far....you can't imagine how happy I am with the results. For once in my life I feel like I look normal and that people aren't looking at me because I'm freakishly huge.....that in and of itself has been a HUGE relief! I got the tape from the incision removed today - she's EXTREMELY happy with the results from that....she wants me to put vitamin E oil on it until the scabs are gone then to switch to cocoa butter to help the scar to fade. It's so minimal right now....I can't imagine it being even less noticable! I also got one of my drains removed. That was a weird feeling. Wasn't painful....except where the stitch was....but I'm GLAD at least one of them is removed. She actually doesn't want to see me for two weeks....so that's when the other drain will be removed and I can go SHOPPING!!!! Hopefully my taxes will also be back by then!!! I just wanted to share....I'm SO ready to get back to work....I'll be even more ready to be released to go back to the gym. She said once the other drain is out I can start slowly with my weight lifting and with my cardio program. Then we will also start the process to see what other (If any) procedures get approved!!!) Much Dee Dee
Trini~ Peach
on 1/23/06 6:13 am - Snellville, GA
Congratulations~! You are going great! Vanessa
Trini~ Peach
on 1/23/06 6:13 am - Snellville, GA
You have recovered really quickly. That's less than a month? I am glad you have at least on of the drains out! I heard that they are not the most comfortable to carry around. You results look amazing. Be sure to update your photos! Thanks for keeping us updated! Vanessa
on 1/23/06 6:21 am - Dacula, GA
LOL, ummm be careful with the workout. I popped my incision...friday...don't know if it did "what it did" b/c it wanted to or if I overdid it...
on 1/23/06 2:38 pm - Byron, GA
You have always been pretty - I bet you are georgous now~~! Kia
on 1/23/06 8:05 pm - Jefferson, GA
I am so glad you are doing well Those drain tubes are scaring the heck out of me.. My PS said they would be in about 2 1/2 weeks...Were you draining excessively? Is that why yours are in so long? Ok.... Questions that have been nagging me, if you do not mind sharing 1. How do you dress with those darn drain tubes? Do you wear something around your neck to hold the pouches up? 2. How did you dress right after surgery. I am sure you would have to wear loose clothes (or a mu mu) for the week or two after, but can you wear regular clothes now to return to work. DeeDee, I want to thank you again for sharing your journey. Will make it much easier for us wanna-bes
on 1/23/06 10:12 pm
Each doctor does things differently - much like with the gastric bypass. My doctor prefers to leave the drains in until there is minimal drainage. The drains haven't hurt me - they've just been "bothersome". Not to get too detailed - there is a small stitch that holds them in place and it "pulls" a bit that stings - but I also have a very high pain tolerance as well.....I'm also what my doctor calls the "ab-normal" because I'm ahead of the game for her standard of healing. My doctor is very cautious with her care - so leaving the drains in will be each doctor's personal prefrence. I've pinned my drains to my binder. I know others wear a long chain and pin them to the chain. I think it's just what you're comfortable with. It also be depending on where your doctor puts your drains in. Not all of them place them in pubic region. You may want to check with your doctor to find out where they put them. As far as clothes I found it was easier to wear pants than a "mumu" type clothing. the first several days I spent my time in my yoga pants or my sweat pants just being comfortable. You'll find what is the most comfortable for you. I don't mind answering questions. That's what this forum is for! Who else are you going to ask other than those who have been through it??? Dee Dee
on 1/23/06 11:24 pm - Jefferson, GA
Thank you so much for the info. How long do you have to wear the bider for?
on 1/23/06 11:36 pm
Again - this varies from doctor to doctor - but what I've been told is I will wear the binder until I get the other drain out then will go into a girdle to help with swelling and contour for the next several weeks (I'm assuming about 6 weeks or so....I will make sure when I go back for my next follow up. ) It actually feels comfortable to wear the binder for now to provide additional suport. The down side is it's a bit bulky.....but I can deal with it until I switch to the girdle. If you have any more question please feel free to e-mail me and I will be more than happy to answer them. Much Dee Dee
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