I am a little down, I have lost 5lb. since surgery on the 9th of Jan. And feel I should have lost more, I know my age will make the weight loss some what slower than younger people, and I am walking.
I missed Saturday because of the snow, we had about 1in. and there was ice under it. And I have steps to go up and down to get out side.
I have no desire for food at all, and force my self to get the protein drink, and I learned that you must sip or dump. Very good lesson. It is like my body is into the starvation mode and trying to hang onto the fat.
I am taking in 50g of protein a day and may be I should up it, but that is really hard, and I am trying to get my water in too.
Heather has really done great and I am so happy to hear she has alreay lost 10lbs, we had our surgery on the same date.
I just don't want to fail at this, it was my last chance to really get healthy, and stop all of the meds I have taken for years. My blood sugars are a lot lower than they have been in years, almost to the normal level, but need to get it 30 points lower to be normal. My bp is still a little high but I was off that med for a few days after surgery.
I just don't want to give up at so early a date, I go for the 2 week post op on the 23rd, other wise I am doing good, still have gas and loose bowels, I am hoping both will soon be a thing of the past, can't really go to far from the bath rooom.
Well, I have been crying on your shoulders, and I guess I needed to get it off mine. I know I have just begun and things will get better and easier as I learn the new meals I will be able to have and as I lose the things I will be able to do with out aid. My back is not hurting as badly as before surgery, and this limits my walking, and as I loose more I am sure that the back pain will lessen even more, and Lord will even go away.
Just keep me in your Prayers and thanks for listening to me.