I am APPROVED !!!!!!
Good morning everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know that I spoke with United Healthcare this morning and received my APPROVAL. I am sooooo excited. They informed me that the approval letter was mailed yesterday and I should get it in 1-2 weeks. I explained that my surgeon needs the approval letter in hand before they can schedule my surgery date and I'm working with a deadline. Do you know United's Care Coordination Department said they would fax the letter to me and the surgeon's office. They are truly the best. I spent the last 7 months of 2005 trying to get approved with Blue Cross Blue Shield (they DENIED me twice). I changed my coverage (during annual enrollment) to United effective 1/1/06, submitted my packet to them on 1/9/06, and was APPROVED on 1/16/06. Talk about fast. Since the surgery coordinator is out of the office today, I will call her tomorrow to make sure she received the fax and get my surgery date and keep you updated.
P.S. I know this is only the beginning of my journey but I wanted to thank all of you for your inspiration and words of encouragement. Words cannot express my gratitude. You all are truly God-Sent.
Thanks again,
D. Daniels

Congratulation ! I know this is a big relief to you. I am in the waiting mode now for insurance approval. One last document missing to be resolved this week. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers your surgery goes well with a speedy recovery and NO complication.
Take care ! I sooo happpy for you,
Linda Sue