Lap-Band it is for me.
I went to the educational session for the RNY and the Lap-Band today and saw the surgeon. I've decided to go with the Lap-Band. I'm anemic and have had to have a blood transfusion for it in the past so I think although the weight loss will be slower, it will be better for my health.
So.... I have to get my pshych eval (to see just how crazy I am), some backup stuff for insurance purposes, and write a letter of understanding.
I've given up caffiene and diet soda and have been drinking tons of water and eating less food. I've lost 16lbs in about 10 days. My BMI was just barely 40.
Dear Rose
I have also decided to go with Dr Richard thanks to Modean *****commended him so highly. talked to Connie his nurse and squeezed out of her that in order to maintain weightloss with the lapband you need a lot of self control. No dumping, you can eat more and it is really not for the hard core eaters. I do not know what your situation is but if you need blood you can let them take a unit or two of yours and freeze it
till the surgery so you do not have to worry about having to transfuse anyone elses blood...unless this is what Dr Richard decided was better for you. It is not the slower weight loss it is the control factor- Coni ebasically said this is good for people who eat large portions- I personally am a carb addict and eat huge think that over...
Good luck

Congrats on your soon to be operation.
I've had the lapband also and it has been very sucessful for me. Of course there has been good and bad times, but I think you get that from any surgery.
I've lost about 170lbs with mine though.
Only problem is, I had my surgery in AZ and now live in GA. Don't suppose if you know if your surgeon takes patients if they were done somewhere else do you? I need to get an adjustment and checkup.
Hey cutie
I dont' get on the boards much lately. Seems the new job wants me to work. hahaha. And they don't allow surfing at work either.
I would really appreciate it if you ask... beg.. explain to your surgeon I really need a surgeon in GA to help with followups, fills, etc. Especially right now, having a few problems I need to checking and probably fixed.

I'm going for the lap band too. I like the idea of losing slower and being able to eat almost normal just smaller portions. also my insurance will not pay for rny, but I couldn't afford to be out of work that long anyway. at least with the lap band I can take 3 or 4 days off and then be back at work.. I have almost stopped drinking diet DR Pepper, i drink lots of water and crystal lite . My insurance just approved me today so maybe within the next month I'll be on the losing side.
wish you the best in which ever you decide..