on 1/11/06 3:10 am - Carrollton, GA
I'm not sure if this will work or not---seems I've lost about as much of my mind as I have weight!!! I just wanted to let everyone know that I miss them and missed seeing you all at the dinner last saturday. My ex (yes, its final now) had a heart attack on 1-3 (my oldest daughter's 9th birthday) and had open heart surgery on 1-5. This was quite stressful and emotional, as my cousin, 37, died Christmas Eve of a massive heart attack....PLUS---well, the divorce is so recent---it was weird being around his family so much...I'd have to get up and gather my composure every few minutes... Now---some general information and questions:D I have passed the goal the doc set for me (162) and am about 15 lbs away from my own goal of 140....only thing is---well, I know I have a great deal of skin that needs removing--at least 15 lbs....and I dont want to be TOO thin (never thought THAT would happen). I'm also needing info on plastic surgeons in the area (for belt lipectomy). I'd love to get insurance coverage--and there's a good chance that I will for the belt---but dont know about firming up the tah-tah's---or legs or arms or.......gawd----wish I was a millionaire! LOL.....please give me as much information as you know about not just plastic surgery, but the docs and insurance too...... Email may be the best way to get in touch with me----either that or call me---i think my cell number is listed on my profile page..... Hopefully my money situation will be better for the next dinner---I SOOOO want to come---and I need CLOTHES!!!!!!! Does anyone NOT wear 6-8 pants?????? Would be great to actually have clothes that FIT! See ya'll Lisa
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/06 5:04 am - Marietta, GA
Hi Lisa, Make sure you make it to the May event. We are going to have a blast.
on 1/11/06 5:53 am
My plastic surgeon (and I HIGHLY recommend her!!!!) is Dr. Burnadette Wang-Ashraf of Artsian plastic surgeons. She has done a FANTASTIC job for me and I HIGHLY recommend her to everyone!!!! I'm hoping to be small enough to wear an 8 one of these days so no luck getting clothes from me right now. I think once I get the back side done I might be a 6...but until then my bootay's still too big.... I hope you do get to make it to the next dinner......I hope "I" get to make it to the next dinner....LOL Congrats on the weight loss. I know your stress level has been high lately - but continue to be strong and you'll get through it. Much Dee Dee
on 1/11/06 1:24 pm - Duluth, GA
helloooooooooooooooooooooooo sista friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW...i thought I had stress... I just had a busy time. Girl!! You have been so tough. Let's see.."Does anyone NOT wear 6-8 pants?" YEAH! ME!! I don't think I will EVER see a 12 or even a NORMAL 14!!!!!!! GEEEZ!!! You scrawny heffer!! LOL!!! I'm so proud of ya gal!!! Cannot WAIT to see you!! Tami
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