Tell or don't

Rose P.
on 1/3/06 11:33 am - Flowery Branch, GA
I'm torn about whether or not to tell people that I'm planning to have WLS or not. I've told a few people that I will need for my support network and I've gotten mixed reviews. Then I told what I thought was a friend of mine today and was knocked down by her response. She went on and on about how her sister had the surgery a few years ago and now she can't climb the stairs and she's bleeding internally and all this other stuff. Obviously all of these things can be treated by a good doctor. I then asked her what her sister would tell me if I asked her if she'd do it again. She said her sister would gladly do it again. There are no guanantees in anything we do in life. Everytime you get on a plane or drive around in your car you risk being involved in an accident. That doesn't stop us from going places. I realize there are risk, but I'm willing to take them. I know that if I listen to my doctor and change my lifestyle that the results will be better than what I have now. I feel better. Thanks for letting me share.
on 1/3/06 2:51 pm
That is a highly personal decision. I told most people I knew that I was having it done and what my reasons were. I knew that if I didn't have the surgery I was going to pass away 20 years before the "average" person and though this was no guarantee that I'd live longer - it would at least be a better chance for me to be healthy. All surgeries have risks....ALL SURGERIES regardless of how simple they may be - but living every day has it's risks as well. I will pray that you will find the solitude to do what is right for you. Remember you have a group of people on this board that will be the most helpful and comforting place you can find. Much Dee Dee
on 1/3/06 10:57 pm - suwanee, GA
Rose! I agree with Dee that it's absolutely personal decision. In my case I told everone that see me on a regular basis... except my own parents (just didn't want them to worry much, and they live in Boston, so it was easy to "hide"). Most of the people were very supportive, except a few that tried very hard to talk me out of it by all kinds of means. I don't think any of them had any bad intentions... I don't see anything wrong with people trying to talk you out of's natural... they worry/they care. I hope no matter what route you take, it works out for you. best of luck to you, Rita
Rose P.
on 1/4/06 8:26 am - Flowery Branch, GA
You guys have such good attitudes. I should try and think more like that. I went to get my hair cut tonight and I told the girl that cuts my hair. She was so excited. Her reaction was wonderful. So supportive. She said her mom is a nurse so she totally understood. I thanked her for having such a possitive reaction. Thanks for all the support. I got my new insurance information today and passed it on to the doctor's office. Now all I have to do is start all the testing.
on 1/4/06 12:02 pm - Duluth, GA
I pretty much told everyone - and almost all were very supportive. It depends on you. I've told a lot of people since, too and really have had few negative responses. It is a personal decision. When I first heard about the surgery, I didn't want to consider it either. However, after two more years of yet another diet not going anywhere, I took another look. Yes, there are risks. Just getting out of bed in the morning is a risk!! Just remember, the decision isn't between "if I have surgery I could have complications and die" and "if I don't have surgery I'll be fine." It's actually "if I have surgery there is a very small chance I'll have complications and could die" and "if I don't get this weight off, I'll die early from all the problems it has caused - diabetes, high blood pressure, etc." Whether or not you tell people is up to you. You know we'll all be here to support you. Keep us informed, and we'll keep you in our thoughts & prayers!! Ann in Duluth
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