I agree with what Ann and Judy has said...it all depends on if your employer decided to go with that type of coverage along with their main policy types.
You may want to call UHC one or twice more if you haven't done so already. Sometimes you don't necessarily get the brightest person on the other end of the phone and you don't know exactly what he/she is typing in their computer to see if you are covered or not.
You may want to give them specific codes that hospitals submit to the insurance companies when they provide these services.
The two CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes are as follows:
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass CPT code 43644
Gastric Adjustable Banding CPT code 43659
Hopefully that will help to get a more definite answer from UHC.
Good Luck!
I was a UHC person for many years. They refused to pay and there was nothing i could do. I hired an Attorney and nothing could be done.
I changed to Blue Cross , they paid for my surgery and then the following year they excluded this surgery because my sweet employer BellSouth excluded it from the list of surgerys they would pay for.
Just make sure that if you change insurance companys that you get it in writing that the new company DOES NOT EXCLUDE this surgery.
Good Luck,,