36 Hours...
And I will be unconscious and 30 minutes into my surgery.
I think the excitement is starting to outweigh the nervousness, at least by a little anyway. I went shopping tonight and picked up my liquid/soft foods, spent the weekend cleaning my house, bought all my vitamins and reread my paper work a dozen time. My daughter is all packed to go to grandma's tomorrow night. Only thing left to do is to work a half day tomorrow and get myself packed. I'm waiting until tomorrow night to do that so I will have something to occupy my mind.
I can't believe this is finally happening. It really feels like a beginning of a whole new chapter. It is the first thing I have ever really for, for myself, and have followed through on, for myself. And I have to tell you, it feels pretty damn good!
Please keep a thought for me on Wednesday! I'll ask Kelle to post an update!
1/4/06 36 hours and counting!