It varies from person to person. In my own case, I only get bad gas if I eat high carb foods it seems. When I am a good girl it is non-existant. For others it's bad no matter what you eat, and some don't have any problems wth it at all.
Maybe someone else here can help me. I read about a product you can eat (pill?) that is supposed to improve your gas (make it not smell) but I can't remember the name of it!
Yep, the gas is really, really bad for me. I have tried Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme, charcoal pills, and a couple of no-name gas relief products. None have helped. Some days I have NO problem with it and others are terrible. The medicine mentioned is called Devrom. I found it on-line and it does help with the odor. (It is used by people who have colonoscopy bags, too.) Also, I have discovered Oust Fragrance Free that does help cover the problem on bad days. For me, it is the worst side effect I have had to live with. I still do not regret the surgery, though, since I have lost 204 pounds since my high of 392! I hear it might improve with time, so I'm hopeful!
If anyone has found a product to help actually lessen the gas, please reply!!