My 3 month check up
I went to my doctor's office yesterday for my 3 month check up. I have lost a total of 65lbs! I am so excited! They were worried that I wasnt eating enough. But I am! I eat 3 meals and have 3 to 4 snacks a day. The only thing that I havent been able to do is get enough fluids in. Other than my protein shakes, I really do not drink anything else. I use to LOVE water, but now I can taste all the minerals, and well, its nasty to me! I am burnt out on Crystal Lite. I bought some propel tonight, gonna give it another shot. Dr. even suggested fruit bars to help me out, but I don't like them either, lol toooooooo sweet! Anyone have any suggestions?
I cant wait to get to my goal. My husband is going to FLIP when he comes home in May! His jaw dropped to the floor when he saw me last month! I tell you, 15 days is just not enough time to spend with your loved one before they go back to Iraq for 6 more months!
Anyway, just wanted to share the news of my weightloss!
Take care!
Kimberly B
Hiya Sandy!
Thanks so much for the compliment! This is the best I have ever felt in my life. I have been waiting on posting any new pictures right now b/c of my hairloss, lol But everytime I do take a picture, its so different from the last time that I do not look like the same person, lol Santa did bring me a digital camera for Christmas, I might take some this afternoon and post them.
Hey, how have you been doing????????
Take care!
i am doing good. i am now 6wks out and have lost 25lbs since surgery and 38 since i started so it is a start. I can only hope to do as well as you. LOL I know Dr. Fields and Shannon are so proud of you. I still can not eat much so living on cheese sticks and protein drinks and believe it or not V8 juice i crave it now Weird i know. Good on getting the camera. As soon as i get taxes back gonna get a scanner mine bit it so as soon as i have it up and running will post some of myself.
PS keep those pics coming you and everyone else here keeps me motivated just by seeing your progress. And yes you do look so different.
Beautiful is the word.