Got my PCP letter
Hi there. I did gain weight before surgery. I tried not to, but all the stress but it impossible. I gained 9lbs, but I did a liquid diet for 2 days and lost several lbs. before surgery. My doctor did not require me to lose weight and was not too upset with my gain. Just ask your doctor, b/c everyone is different. Good Luck!
1 month out -27lbs.
Congrats on your decision and on start of your journey. just FYI: you chose a great Surgeon to have WLS done. I love them both and had no problems with their office or anyone they reffered me to. They are great all the way. As for weight gain before surgery....I did that too... big time, not intentionally, but it happened. Don't loose your sleep over it, but try not to overeat and establish good healthy routine before the surgery itself. Best of luck to you.
Rita, Dr. Procter's patient.
Lap RNY 08/08/05
5'7'' 255/195/160'sh
Hi, Rosemary, Congrats on the PCP referral. That's a BIG step! Yay!!!!
I gained too (about ten pounds in four months), but I think I prayed through the surgeon visits. They didn't fuss at me. Keep talking, and distract them. Just kidding! I think your present BMI will be a main factor. Now that you have that letter, you probably will have less "stress" eating! I also had the "happy" eating too, so be careful!