Just got back from DeeDee!!
She is doing well...says she feels like she's been kicked in the tummy...
and yes, as Sherry said, she has had eight pounds taken off...
Folks she has no belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's AWESOME!!
I can't wait to go myself!!!!
She was pretty tired when I left, and DYING for something to drin**** chips is it right now for the dry mouth.
She will be going home tomorrow morning between 7 and 8 am....
thanks gal!!! I'm so askeered!!! My flight takes off at 9:40 and arrives at 11:41...
Then the REAL prayer is needed. I'm staying with him and his friends that came down last time, and THEY also have cats. I am PRAYING I make it without having to bail to a hotel.... I have a HUGE "bag o' drugs" to take...it's crazy!!
Love ya!!!