TT moved UP an hour!!!
I'm having my tummy tuck today as planned - but they called this morning and have asked if I can be at the hospital early!!! Apparently the doctor had a case cancel so she has "extra" time to fill so the hospital is asking everyone to come in earlier!!
So I'm leaving the house around 10:30 - this now makes my surgery time 1:00 and not 2 as originally planned. I was given a number for the OR desk incase any of you wanted to check on me.....404 459 1750. (I'm going in under my REAL name of Diana Cole.....)
I will let you guys know as soon as I can how things are when I get home....
Talk to you then and THANK YOU ALL For the well wishes!
Dee Dee

Best of luck to you Dee Dee. I've also learned that I gave you false info about my GF. She works at a different facility, not where Dr. Ashraf operates. But I'm sure they will take good care of you anyway..
).. Wishing you least pain and discomfort possible and prettiest results once the bandages and swelling off.
hugs, Rita