Pain Below my Belly Button....
I have been experiencing some pain in the area below my belly button, the gut area. It feels like gas, but I am not sure what gas is doing that low. It occurs around the same time every day (2:30-3:30pm) and when I get up from my desk to walk to the bathroom it hurts to stand up perfectly straight to walk (like I normally walk). After I go to the bathroom and sit there a few minutes, I start to feel a little better, but it takes until about 5-6pm, for the discomfort to go away. It almost feels like a pressure in there and when I put pressure on it, it feels better. My sister is studying nursing and she doesn't think I should have gas so low on my body- she thinks it could be something with my ovaries or reproductive system. I am concerned and wonder if I should call my doctor. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Hi, Carla,
I had some intense pains at about your stage. After "going" to the restroom, I would feel better. For me, it was my body getting adjusted to new foods, healing, etc., but every one is different. I would definitely call the doctor's office in the morning. I try not to call the doc after hours unless I have a fever or the pain is unbearable. My reproductive system was also out of whack for several months, so it could be that too. It's better to be safe....Call! I always feel MUCH better after I've been checked out. Being stuck in the restroom for almost four hours is not fun! Bless you! Get some good reading materials. Keep us updated!
Hi, my husband had the bypass 2 years before I did and he had pain for over a year. When he went in for plastic surgery they found out it was a hernia. He never knew it. They repaired it during the tuck and he doesn't have the pain
Don't know if that is what yours is, you could be right it may just be hormones. Good Luck I hope you get to feeling better soon... Merry Christmas