I'm giving in..

on 12/18/05 7:44 am - suwanee, GA
hi, Gang! I'm glad this w/end is coming to an end. I've been pretty darn bad...I couldn't any longer deny that oranges are my favorite fruits and chocolate goes right next to it at this time of year....I didn't have any for the last 4-5 months.....And this w/end I just made up for it.I've also pushed nuts, cookies and some other forbidden items that weren't even enjoyble... No Gym too... I know that the name of this game is self-sabotage. I will be better tomorrow. Last week I freaked out noticing some soggy spots on my neck when I pull my skin.I'm not ready for it. I don't mind soggy boobs, belly or even thighs....I was expecting that... but neck?-- so now I almost want to stop loosing to prevent this from becoming any worse.... no, not really.... but it's a first time this thought has crossed my mind sorry for crazy and long rambling hugs, Rita
Cynde G.
on 12/18/05 11:15 am - Stockbridge, GA
Rita, I am having the same problem. I want ( and had a nibble) of fudge. What a delicious taste, until it reached my stomach!!! I have the saggy neck thing goin on right now and was not expecting it. I keep telling myself when I have lost everything, it won't look so bad ( atleast I hope it won't. Keep up the good work on loosing! Cynde 367/282/180 surg 10-10-05
on 12/18/05 10:16 pm - suwanee, GA
thanks for your support,Cynde. In my case my stomach didn't even have any objections against having sweets, discomfort, pain , or dumping. That maybe a problem in and of itself.... But here is funny part of my overindulgence from this w/end: I weighed myself this morning and strangly enough I LOSTaboout 2-3 lb after all that eating... And my hat's off to you on your loss... it's pretty impressive. take care, hugs Rita.
Judy E.
on 12/19/05 12:27 am - Stockbridge, GA
Rita, Gosh with all you have been going through lately it is no wonder you might breakdown for some good ole comfort foods from times gone by. But pick yourself back up and take a stand that that is the absolule last time your gonna do that. Your worth so much more than what those bad foods will do to you! I have been very good to stay away from all the sugar but do eat nuts from time to time bu****ch the numbers. I admit it has been a little harder to resist the chocolate this time of yr - I was a gheridelli junkie but I am so afraid to find out that I CAN eat it that I dare not try. The saggy neck, I am 50 and I did not expect this either but it is really getting bad and I am soooo dissapointed too, but guess I will start wearing higher neck blouses where I am so used to V neck and usually cannot stand anything up around my neck. Surely there is some exercise we can do to help this not be so bad. Dee Dee, help???? Try not to let all of this get the best of you, be strong and know that your healthier and look so much better even with a little saggy neck. I was hoping not to have to have plastic surgery later but it is looking like I had better start saving the dollars. Judye
on 12/19/05 1:07 am - suwanee, GA
Judye, you are absolutely right about atanding up to temptations. As for exercise...I do lots of that, but not particularly to my neck though...My hubby says that the best for the neck is to draw with pencil in my mouth or write with it in the air..).... I bet he just wants to have fun watching..) Plastics...I was hoping to get away without it...I really was....that's one of the reason I was pushing exercise, and hoping relatively young age (36) might help too....but, I guess it's not enough...Anyway, I'm not worried about that now... will wait and see...I just don't see financial resolution to having plastics done at this point. best wishes to you, Rita
on 12/19/05 5:15 am - savannah, GA
Oh, lovely lady, hang in there. We are ALL in the same boat at the holidays. For me it was fudge last week. & I'm one of the problem patients that does not have dumping (so far anyway) with sugar. I was kind of counting on the fear of dumping to control those urges! I'm trying to remember the basics: get all my water (100 oz!) in every day, next to hit the protein first, and finally....take each day as it comes, and forgive myself. I didn't hit 42 and 373 pounds overnight, and I won't reach my goal without a lot of bumps on the road. Right now my mantra is "I am pretty sure I know what I will eat today, and that is good enough". Lean on all of us! Carolyn D
on 12/19/05 9:01 am - suwanee, GA
Thank you for your shoulder ofsupport, Carolyn. I didn't have urges or cravings....I just wanted some sense on normalcy, I guess. I'm getting tired of having to control every single bite...oh, no, I didn't say it....well.... never mind...I'm just freaking tired of so many things.... kids, work, my house with all it's messes, Holidays , and all... and food used to be such a big part of all of it..... it still is for most people I'm surrounded with....I'm hosting dinner this coming Sunday for my friends with their families.I will have to cook for 20 people..... but that's whole different topic. And , yes I know we all are in the same boat, we all have our own stresses and own devils to fight....I don't even know where I'm going with this. thanks for letting me be crazy and ramble on and on..... hugs, Rita
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