Medicare WLS Exclusion Proposal Comment Period Ending
Public Comment period ends 12/23/05: Your Opinion Counts
Medicare wants to exclude the Duodenal Switch and other Weight Loss
Surgery Procedures (shown below) from Coverage for all Medicare
patients. They also want to restrict surgery to those under 65 years
If Medicare excludes this surgery- private insurance companies will
follow their lead and very few people will be afforded this life
changing surgery. The comment period ends next week.
If you have not done so already, please leave a comment with
Medicare. Please let Medicare know your opposition to these
changes. Be sure to state what surgery you had/will have.
Please send Comments to:
If you are so inclined; drop a note to your Senator, Representative
or President asking them to change Medicare`s proposed decision,
here is a easy link to them:
Proposed Decision Memo for Bariatric Surgery for the Treatment of
Morbid Obesity (CAG-00250R)
"The evidence is not adequate to conclude that the following
bariatric surgery procedures are reasonable and necessary and they
are therefore non-covered for all Medicare beneficiaries:
open vertical banded gastroplasty,
laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty,
open sleeve gastrectomy,
laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,
open adjustable gastric banding,
open biliopancreatic diversion with or without duodenal switch, and
laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion with or without duodenal
The two non-coverage determinations in the National Coverage
Determination Manual (NCDM) remain unchanged: Gastric Balloon (NCDM
Section 100.11) and Intestinal Bypass (NCDM Section 100.8). . "