have fun with this
I get nothin'! Why does this always happen to me? Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Did I mention that I hit another stinking deer last week? Wrecked another car and killed another deer. Story of my life. Singing "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" no longer gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. After speeding away from the scene, I was discussed on the radio and tv by Captain Herb Emory as "the motorist" who hit a deer on Arnold Mill Road. I had hoped that the deer had super powers and continued to fly across the sky. I can't even hide from my shame! To be frank, the evil deer hit me.
HO Ho Ho!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Girl....sounds like we've had similar weeks!! (Except I've not knocked off any deer!)
Christopher was sitting here saying "awww" as I was reading your post to him, but it got the best of him when you said Captain Herb talked about you on tv and radio ...he busted out laffing!! Sorry!!
WE LOVEY YOU MISSY!!!! Worry not!!! You'll just have to start singing
Grandma got runover by a reindeer instead....