OT - Wreck Update - again!!
It's amazing what the "l" word (lawyer!!) does to an insurance company!! We had a message after we got home from the lawyer's yesterday morning that they ARE accepting liability and would we like to go ahead and settle the vehicle claim without the lawyer?? (NOT!!!). So, he's negotiating that now. My hubby needs to get to an orthopedist and probably physical therapy. The "pain & suffering" phase comes later.
So, maybe I'll be getting a new van for Christmas!! Let's hope.
BTW, keep my hubby in your prayers today. Our power went off this morning and he doesn't have portable oxygen right now!! He couldn't get the generator started, either. I swapped cars with my son so they can use the truck to get the generator worked on and working. Hopefully, they'll get the power back on soon, too. He's called about the portable oxygen, but you never know how long that might take. If it's not one thing, it's another!!
Ann in Duluth