First time here -- newbie post

on 12/12/05 2:43 am - GA
Hi, everyone. I joined the site a few weeks ago but I'm just now getting around to posting in a forum. Someone in the LJ community lapband suggested this site as a good source of info for WLS and so far that seems to be the case. So here's my story: I'm 28 years old and married to a wonderful, supportive husband (who eats junk food and barely gains an ounce) - we live in Douglas County. I have been overweight all of my life. I'm sure you know the drill. I was on my first diet at age 9 and it's just been diet after diet ever since, with periods of "I don't care" in-between. Slim Fast, Atkins, Weigh****chers, juice fasting, 3-hour diet, I have tried just about everything. I would lose weight on some of them, but then gain it all back, plus more, after going off the diet or "cheating" enough on the restrictions. Right now I am at my heaviest and most miserable that I have ever been, physically. I've always been extremely self-conscious, but now it's beyond embarrassing. Not just the weight but some of the other things that go along with it. I don't even know exactly how much I weigh, but the last time I weighed myself I was 260 lbs and I know I'm heavier than that now. I'm 5'10" and most of my weight is around my stomach. I have a big tire. I am just fed up with feeling this way, knowing that disease and more misery is probably right around the corner. But I'm also sick of restrictive diets that give very little results. A friend of mine mentioned lapband surgery (she is thinking about it also) and I have done a lot of research on it. I think it is for me - I like that it is removable and adjustable. The thought of being full after eating so little sounds amazing. I am just ready to be healthy and I can't do it on my own, obviously. Here's the thing. I haven't had a "primary doctor" in years. I go to a gynecologist annually, but otherwise I've just been going to walk-ins when I get sick. I've been in my current job since March and I have new insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia). I've yet to get a primary with that, either. I know that I need to do that and get a physical, but do I need to do that before looking for a surgeon for a consultation? I've never even had a physical, but I think that I definitely need to have my cholesterol checked, check for diabetes, et cetera. I need to do something about my back and joint pain, too. I'm just really nervous about it and I think that I've probably avoided going to a doctor because I figured that he/she would just tell me that I need to lose weight, and I know that already. But now I really want to get this moving and see if I can get lapband. I am afraid of what will happen if I can't - I can't afford to pay for it myself. Any words of encouragement, advice, et cetera would be appreciated. I'm nervous and I just can't decide what my first step should be. Thanks.
on 12/12/05 4:09 am - Savannah, GA
Hi! Welcome- Your gyno could reffer you, but you need to see a primary doctor. I would ask on here, on a suggestion of a fat friendly, supportive of WLS doctor. That is how I found mine.... had my first appoitment in June and in August, I had surgery- I was just like you- but you will need a primary to oversee your care and to write you a letter of medical need ( request that, when you have your first visit with him)..... I went in with my diet history laid out for him/ and any weight realted problems ( My letter is in my profile)- and got it without to many questions. I would also check with your isurance and see what the requirements are.... Good luck, and welcome!
on 12/12/05 4:59 am - GA
Hi, Michelle! Thanks so much for the welcome and for your suggestions. I just went and read through your profile page -- you sound so much like me and you give me hope that this can happen for me too. I have mentioned this to people and have had them say "you're not that big," but they're not the ones having to deal with this depression, misery, and pain.
on 12/12/05 12:38 pm - Savannah, GA
Shanna- Just belive it will happen! Where there is a will, there is a way!!!!!!!!! I know how you feel........ I went a little pic crazy lately- I should be writing more- but you will notice the smaller you get, you start to get vain, lol. If you ever have any questions- please feel free to contact me- its a confusing, exciting, nerve racking journey. Best of luck, and I hope to hear good news from you soon. Michelle [email protected]
on 12/13/05 2:30 am - GA
Thank you for the encouragement! Right now I'm trying to find out if my insurance will actually cover the surgery, because I'm getting mixed messages. If it won't, that'll make some decisions for me, unfortunately. But I'm trying to think positively!
on 12/12/05 8:29 am
WELCOME to the Georgia Board. On this site you will find the most supporting and loving group of friends that can give you all the support you could ask for. My suggestion would be to find a WLS friendsly PCP. I do not know the Lithia Springs area - but if you'd be willing to drive to Old National (College Park) I would recommend mine. I have a PPO type of insurance so I wasn't required to go the the PCP for my surgery - but I did because I reaspected him and his opinion. Be prepared when you go into the doctor with your lists of diet information (Most insurance requires a 6-month supervised diet program of some sort) and the amount of weight you've lost/gained with each one. Joining this site is a GREAT step because you can find a wealth of knowledge on the different types of surgeries. I know you mentioned doing the lapband - but make you youre research the pro's and cons's to EACH of the types of surgeries. Make a list of question you have. Feel free to ask them here - but remember you should also ask them to your doctor regardless of what information we can give yo - we are generally NOT doctors. I have a saying that is as effective now as it is in any othre place in life - the only stupid question is the one not asked. Keep us posted of your journey!! Best wishes! Dee Dee
on 12/13/05 2:32 am - GA
Thank you for the welcome and the encouragement. College Park is a bit of a drive, but I'm hoping that I can find someone closer who will work with me. I have a PPO too, but I think that I need an opinion and a physical regardless.
terri R.
on 12/12/05 9:17 am - huntsville, AL
WELCOME A BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!! and I agree your gynecologist should be able to give you a referral, shouldnt be a problem at all. good luck
on 12/13/05 2:35 am - GA
Thank you so much for the welcome!
on 12/12/05 11:50 pm - Byron, GA
Welcome to the Ga boards! Making the choice to have lap band or RNY is not an easy choice and I suggest doing plenty of research on all the types of surgeries available. Some of your choices will be made for you (for example, my insurance Tricare did not approve of lap band which they consider experimental, they only pay for RNY which was what I wanted anyway). And as Michelle said, before even finding a primary care doctor I would check to see if BCBS will even cover the surgery - if you are on federal you have a better shot at it - state BCBS seems to be a problem now for folks since the July cutoff. Either way, welcome here and I hope you get what you came for! Kia 5'9" 284/171/155
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