ot - Another Wreck Update

on 12/11/05 11:35 pm - Duluth, GA
My hubby talked with the kid's insurance company today and since he has not cooperated with them, they are denying the claim completely!! I'll take my rental car back in the morning. We've already spoken to a lawyer (recommended by a friend), so we'll be turning it over to him now. What a hassle!!! I can't believe they wouldn't cooperate with the insurance company - isn't that what the insurance is all about? It should be fun for them to get new insurance now!!! Sigh. We had hoped to visit our families in Florida for Christmas, but won't be able to now. We need our van!! There's no way all four of us can go down there in the Ford Ranger!! I can drive it to work, but it won't help on a trip. So much for my life getting LESS complicated and getting my eating back on track. I was so bad over the weekend. Of course, I'm sure I would feel better if I DID get it under control. Please keep us in your prayers over this. I'm very grateful that it wasn't any worse. It's bad enough - Terry may need to go to an ortho for his knee as it still hurts. Thanks for all of your suggestions, concern and prayers. I appreciate them more than you can every know. You are all . Ann in Duluth
on 12/12/05 4:31 am - Dacula, GA
Hi Ann, Sorry to hear about the hell that you are going through with the wreck and all...but if the kid is not working with the insurance company, and althought it will take more time with the lawyers and whatnot, that kinda of works to your advantage....I imagine you lawyer will be working on getting statements from everyone while it is still fresh in their minds(a couple months from now people may forget importanat details) My mom had something similar happen to her in California....all in all it took about 2 years, but she got a new car(like brand new 0 miles on it) and all her medical bills taken care of plus there was extras thrown in....they guy that she got into an accident with was young too....to hot headed to just work with the insurance company(duh that is why we have them)...and your right them trying to find insurace is gonna be hard (but from your posts seem like he has daddy there to clean up him messes).....dont worry, the good Lord always works thing out for us, might not happen immediatley but it will....have a good holiday Erica
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