Freezing in Atlanta!!!

on 12/6/05 7:27 am - Southern, CA
I just want you Georgia people to know you are some hardy folks! I'm at the Mid-Town Marriott where I had to teach a class over the past few days, and these So. California bones are shaking like leaves!!! But the girls, food and city is beautiful, so no complaints I guess! Nice state you have here!
on 12/6/05 11:17 am - suwanee, GA
Hi ! Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed reading your profile. Rita
on 12/7/05 9:28 am - Southern, CA
Thanks Rita, I know you had to spend at least half a day reading all that junk! Georgia is a beautiful state, and is very hunter friendly which I appreciate! I ate at a few really good restaurants while I have been here. Several of the people I went to dinner with knew me for several years as a fat man, and only now are seeing me as a thin man.... (I have kept this very private, so none of them knew what I went through to get here...) We went to a swanky steak house last night, and after eating two little teeny-tiny corn bread thingy's, my steak came, and I could barely squeeze down three pieces. I told the waiter he could have them for himself, or his dog, or I'd give him my fed-ex account number so I could ship them to my boxer Stella, but under NO CIR****TANCES was he to throw them away! My friends joked, "No wonder he lost so much weight, he eats like a bird with a nest full of puppies!" Then I had something called a "mint julip", and I became instantly retarded and woke up back in my room a few hours later.... As I said, you Georgia folks are TOUGH! xoxoxo
on 12/8/05 12:25 am - suwanee, GA
well,N'Gagi...I love GA dearly, but I'm not really a native here. I grew up in Russia.... and if you think GA is Cold---ha-ha-ha.... because it feels like Sahara to me... I hardly ever wear coat here but I do love it.We moved here from Boston. And not going back for more than one reason, but GA wheather and nature are on "the list". Glad to hear you having a good time here Best wishes, Rita
on 12/6/05 1:00 pm - Duluth, GA
The best thing about the weather here is that the cold never lasts very long. It will be warmer tomorrow!! Enjoy your trip!! Ann in Duluth (that's part of Atlanta, sort of!!)
on 12/7/05 1:45 am - Jefferson, GA
Glad you are enjoying us You get colder with less meat on your bones This is gonna be a cold winter for all us "new" skinnies
on 12/7/05 2:13 pm - Canton, GA
Yo Boss... Glad to hear your in town... LOVE your Profile...just bust'ed a gut (Pun intended) readin it... I have been here 5 years.. moved here from Battle Creek MI. (was a FL boy before that) had with the extra human coat I had... I hardly ever used a coat... even up in MI.. but now.. (I am post Op 3mos) I am like FREAKIN FREEZIN the canolies off... so I can REALLY relate to where your comin from... BTW.. what kind a classes ya tea*****uz I would just love to have been a student there... I bet your don't have one sleepy student there... Later.. Medicgeek10 KI4MPP
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