OT - Our wreck!!!
I guess I should let everyone know about this. . .
The Saturday after Thanksgiving my hubby and I were going to Hobby Lobby around the corner from our house. We were going to do the craft show on Dec. 3 and were going for supplies.
Well, right after turning onto Peachtree Ind (less than 1/2 mile from the house!!), some little twerp in a Mustang (he's 18, brand new car, dealer tag still on it) pulled out right in front of me trying to cross about six lanes at once. I slammed on the brakes but still hit him. He's fine, his car is a little messed up, but. . .
My poor hubby was taken to Joan Glancy by ambulance. He hit his head (nice abrasion), hit his (bad) knee on the console and twisted his ankle. He's still sore all over. They kept him for about four hours, gave him a couple of shots, some rx and sent him home. After the investigation (the kid got a ticket - I didn't!!), I went over to the hospital too. One of my sons came over and went to the hospital with Terry, leaving me his car. I drove over there, and had them check me out too. They took xrays, gave me a couple of shots, an rx and sent me home. I'm fine.
Last week, Terry went back to our doctor and was given more rx - he's still in pain. Monday, he was still not feeling well and went back - now he has bad bronchitis on top of everything else, it's almost pneumonia!! As he's on oxygen 24/7, that's NOT good. He did have to make an appointment in January for a full physical, however. He accused the PA and me of conspiracy - hey, whatever works!!
We're still trying to find out about our van. It got towed that day. The hood is pushed up, the radiator is busted, and the whole front piece with the bumper fell off on the wrecker!! The kid is not cooperating with his insurance company. According to his dad (who drove to the scene in a Hummer!!), he plans to fight the ticket. Hey, he pulled out in front of me!! He claims I was in the left turn lane, but I wasn't. You can tell from the pieces/parts of my van that I was in the left TRAVEL lane (plus what leaked out of my busted radiator!!).
Meanwhile, I'm in a rental trying to figure out if they will total my van or what. Also, since he's not cooperating, will they even pay, or will we have to sue HIM and Dad to get anything?? What a mess!! I don't need this right now!!! My van is a 97 with 131,000 miles on it, so we are afraid they will total it. However - it's paid for!!! I don't think we'll get enough to replace it. We really don't want another car payment right now.
So, that's our said tale as it stands now. The appraisal company should have looked at the van yesterday, but they haven't sent their report to the insurance company yet. The insurance guy handling it is on vacation this week, the kid won't call them and give a statement, we're paying for the rental ourselves right now, we don't have collision insurance on the van 'cause it's old and paid for, . . .
Hopefully, this will work out soon. It seems pretty clear that the kid was a fault. According to the insurance people, even if he fights the ticket that shouldn't matter anyway - it's separate from the insurance claim. Just get something done people - and SOON!!!
We're hanging in there. Poor Terry is sore, drugged up, sick, and GRUMPY!!! I hope we don't have to take them to court, but believe me they don't want that. I have a witness who stopped - she said the kid was a fault. They will pay one way or another.
I'll keep you posted!!
Ann in Duluth
currently van-less!!
Ohh, Ann...
I feel for you now....So sorry it happened to you. I've been in "totaled car" accidents twice... not fun at all...It's always physical, emotional , and financial pain. But why do you have to worry about that kid that is not cooperating? Let the Insurance Company worry about it now.
I do hope you and your poor husband feel better son and that things get resolved "your way".
Best of luck to you, hugs, Rita
If the kid doesn't cooperate, they will find he's in violation of his policy - and deny the claim!! Sheesh. Even his insurance guy says he's a fault!! I know it's not the end of the world. We could have been hurt so much worse. But, this is NOT the time of year to have to deal with this, ya know?? Oh well, this too shall pass. . .
Ann in Duluth
PS Can you tell that I'm a LITTLE bit stressed right now?? This is just the BIGGEE right now - not the ONLY thing!!