For the Georgia Men!
For the Georgia Men!
Hello Gentlemen.
It's always good to see more guys out here
On The Obesity Help Message Boards.
We make up such a small minority (12%)
Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery,
But tend to lose down quicker
And with fewer hassles than the women
Due to Male Physiology.
If you don't already,
Drop by the "Men's Message Board" more often
To see how other Guys are doing with their surgeries.
It is a different "Journey" for Us after all.
Different Exercise tips and tricks,
Different Body Image issues,
Different Plastic Surgery Questions,
Etc, Etc.......
There's a lot of info and advice
Specifically tailored to the Guys There.
As well as Constant Support!
We're a diverse group-
Dad's, Painters, Sons, Uncles, Cooks,
Bankers, Rockers, Pastors, Pilots,
Gym Rats, Factory Workers, Pianists,
Truckers, Hunters, Flirts, Bikers, Pre-Ops,
Runners, Ham Radio Enthusiasts,
Computer Programmers, Artists, DSer's,
Teachers, Grandfathers, Swimmers,
Students, Lawyers, Fishermen,
Designers, Sales Directors, RNYer's,
Property Managers, Gay Activists,
Oil field Dispatchers, Bible Study Directors,
Engineering Technicians, Hikers,
Retired Military, Gamers, Lap-Banders,
Tai Chi Instructors, Accountants,
Insurance Agents, Gamblers, Post-Ops,
Retired, Caterers, Hot Air Balloonists,
Administrators, "Slackers," Newbies,
And Disabled American Veterans, etc...
And at the same time,
We share so many Common Experiences.
Love You Gals!
But Guys?
Take the occasional Break,
And drop in on your Brothers.
See You 'round the Boards!
Best Wishes-