As the Wood Mangler Turns... a soap opera.... :)

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 7:25 am - Columbus, GA
.... actually, I meant my life.... Quit the job I had.... I swore I would never work for a Mom and Pop organization again, and went back on my word... to my detriment... they sucked.... one of the worse companies I have ever had the displeasure of working for, and I am glad I am outta there!! I had 3 job choices... and kept all three on the string until I could really get a good read on these jobs... funny thing, the one I liked the least when I first started interviewing is the one I decided to go to work for... I am now the Manager of a good sized U Haul facility across the river in Alabama.... really nice looking city... drove there today to check it out... I have been really struggling with the eating... feeling hungry all the time, and the constant rumbling and gas and diahrea are about to drive me crazy (ier) I think it might just be the quantity that I am eating is too large... so I am cutting back today, and seem to be doing a little better already... crossing my fingers.... at least I don't have Venous Angioma!! (just to see if Tami is paying attention!) .... I do have Fartus Alotus though... and Gurglemucho Tummyloudus also... I am making Christmas presents for friends... I have had a little time in my shop, and will be able to do a few more items before I start the new job on Monday... Here's pics of a couple of the items.... I read this forum everyday too! ... nice to have a little time on my hands! to all of you....
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 8:21 am - GA
Marc, Sorry to hear about the job problems, but hopefully that will be a thing of the past. Sometimes you just don't know if you will like the employer until after you start the job and been there for several weeks. Then you really know!!! The items in your pictures are wonderful, and look so good!!... So, how is your weight loss coming probably need to post a new picture!!!!!!! Take care and hope to see ya Saturday... Norma
on 11/30/05 12:17 pm - GA
Mark the Mickey is too cool Nice work
on 11/30/05 1:00 pm - Macon, GA
Thanks, as always Mark, for the giggle! You are very talented sir. I think you have missed your calling in the job market! Wishing you mucho successo with the new job, and getting back on track with the eating, I know you can do it!
on 11/30/05 7:19 pm
I think I also have the gurglemucho tummyloudus. UGH...I hope it's not fatal!!! I LOVE the Mickey thing - that is TOOOOOOOOO Cool!!! I need to buy one of those from ya. Let me know the price....I'm serious here! Dee Dee
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