Feeln' blue!

on 11/29/05 12:21 pm - Hazlehurst, GA
Hey I tried to post this once , so if this is a repeat just disregard. I am feeling quiet blue today. What do you all do to give yourself a pick me up. Jamie
on 11/29/05 5:35 pm - Carrollton, GA
If I'm bummed about something other than my weight, I spend some... quality time... with my husband. When its the weight, one of two things. At best, I manage to get out of the house and do something fun - movie, walk dogs, see friends and family. At worst, I eat pizza and watch TV, then feel worse for a while... if I try really hard I can read the scriptures and pray to feel better- its the quickest fix, but sometimes the hardest. Hope this helped a little Valarie
on 12/1/05 12:49 am - Stockbridge, GA
Hi! Sorry your're blue, you must be young if not age does not matter its how you look at life and loving yourself. I am 52 and as you get older your will eventually obtain an attitude this too shall pass and guess what! You will get through everything life throws at you. Instead of looking at the negative that's happening, change your way of thinking, look at what you've been through, and where you are now, try to think about the things that make you happy or do things you like to do! When you're depressed, get up go outside, get fresh air, read a good book, call a friend & talk or just email me, I'll remind you that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. Start to love yourself first, if others disagree with you oh! well! that's their problem! Only you can make you happy take it one day at a time, one minute at a time & don't worry about tomorrow for its yet to be, the past is dead & gone & today is the present that's all you have to worry about is today. Hope this helps! Remember positive projects positive and negative makes misery & if others who are misable & want you to be apart of it, don't be, enjoy being who you are "god" put you here for a reason & he wants you to be part of his seasons! Take care! LV Karen :
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