Iam glad to have found you folks!
I have been really happy with Dr. Duncan and his staff! They have been so helpful and I don't think I could have gotten through all of this without their help. The only thing I did have a problem with was my stay at the hospital I didn't like the nurses there. Good Luck and congratulations on your start! You will have fun at his seminar he is a hoot!
Hi Renee,Thanks for your kind reply.Iam looking foward to the seminar.But,I find myself afraid to hope for this surgery sometime.I feel I HAVE FINALLY FOUND A TOOL to help with the weight issue I have struggled withso long.I fear I WON'T BE APPROVED.However,I AM NOT A QUITTER so I will work to do all that is asked of me to have freedom from the burden of the weight Icarry