What is a Venous Angioma?
Ok all you medical types...
I had the bejeebers scared out of me today, and I think a little knowledge would be helpful.
I had tests done last week...
1) to confirm what I already knew, that my gallbladder is toast and it has to come out. No biggie.
2) I've had ringing in my ears ever since surgery, and my doc was appalled when he found out the ENT didn't do an MRI, especially since my hearing in my left ear is diminishing.... SOOOO.... an MRI was done, and I got a call about 4pm today.
The lady that called, started out with "You have venous angioma, a tumor of the blood vessels..."...then my doc practically ripped the phone out of her hands and says that she shouldn't have said "tumor" (THANKS!!) but that it is an "abnormal collection of blood vessels in the right frontal portion of my brain."
I have to have go to a neurologist and get clearance before I can have my gallbladder removed.
Needless to say, I have been a blubbering MESS all afternoon... I don't know WHAT the hell to think!
I looked it up, and find that this could have been a genetic thing that we have just lucked into...but the doc says it could cause increased risk of bleeding...
SOOOO....would like to know what anyone knows about this fabulous little ditty that got tossed on me today.
(Hey! I always thought when they flung the word tumor at ya, they were supposed to call you and really dramatic music was supposed to play in the background, and they say that the doctor needs to see you right away, and you make an appointment, and he sits behind the desk, sighs heavily, removes his glasses and tells you the bad news!.... NOT call you at work and scare the bejeezus out of you and cause you to have a meltdown in front of all your co-workers!!! I got cheated!! LOL!)
I googled it and found this website.....
Honestly it seems like it's something that you have inherited since child hood......You had it during the GBP surgery but it wasn't as prone because you probably had it hendered with other issues.
Read up on it - go to the Neurologist and be well informed so you can ask questions!!!!
LET ME KNOW WHAT HE SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you!!!!!!!!
Dee Dee