Deeeeeeee Deeeeeeee
I got a call from Dr Ashraf last Wed. She wants to hold off on thighs until after the first round of plastics...she said she would do them if I insisted, but that she would have to be conservative. My feeling is if I'm gonna get them done, I'm gonna get them done right! So I will wait. We will submit to the new insurance in the beg. of Jan. I will be having BCBS PPO.
Dr. Ashraf really wants to do the breast job at the same time as the TT but I can't afford that right now so if the insurance approves anything - I'll go with that part.
It's fully - I have BCBS PPO and am changing to Aetna PPO. I haven't heard how Aetna is with their approvals....if I don't get approved I guess I'll be finding out!!
Dee Dee