Good Morning..........
How is everyone doing? It has been along time since I have posted and sorry about that. I have been really busy and haven't thought about much other than family and work( in that order). I was supposed to go to my surgen's office Wednesday for my one month follow-up, but I ended up with double pneumonia and was put into the hospital, but all is good now and I am feeling great. Still have a nagging cough, but feel great none the less. While I was in the hospital, they weighed me and I weighed in at 319. That puts me down 40 lbs. since surgery and a total weight loss of 74 lbs since March. Man, I feel good. I have went down a whole shoe size and I have to wear my wedding ring on a chain around my neck. My wife picks at me about fighting away the women, because how good I'm looking. (RIGHT) I told her all I have to do is take my clothes off and when they see what is under the surface, they will go home. As much as I hate to admit it, I look like the back end of an elaphant as the skin starts to sag, but that is okay. I would rather look like melting wax, than feel like I did, before surgery.
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and I will talk to ya'll later.
Well Hey Stranger!
I've been thinking about you and wondered how you were doing. I wished I had known you were in the hospital, I definately would've visited!
My whole fam,ily is fighting some kind of weird cold thing that keeps coming back. And I've had a lingering cough but no fever.
I hope you are well on the mend Ken.
I'm not even going to comment on the melting wax... I know EXACTLY what that looks like! Uhg! But I agree with you. To be off the maintenance drugs and feeling better than ever sure makes the wax look bearable. Thank goodness for winter is all I got to say!!
Happy Holidays to you and your whole family Ken!