End of my rope...
So, I had Aetna insurance through my husband's job- it was the EPO and we were switching to the PPO in about a week so surgery would be covered- but he lost his job. I've managed to get together $7,000... only 17k more to find for the doctor I want. I tried getting insurance privately, but apparently they don't insure morbidly obese people... I've been told I'm fat before, but somehow being told I'm too fat to have health care hurt in a way I can't explain. I've never felt so hopeless. So, now I'm back to asking family for money and trying to get loans...
I know your facing a difficult time in your life with both your husband being laid off from his job and finding financing for your weight loss surgery. Both are major life stressors that can really having us turn back to those eating habits we're all trying so hard to change.
Keep strong and focused on your family and your health and the rest will come to you. I'm praying for both you and your family.
Good Bless