new exercise information

on 11/16/05 9:21 am
Traps, Bis and Tris!!!!! Yummy area to work to get sexy sleek arms "guns" and shoulders!!! Trapezius Dumbell Exercises Upright Row 1. Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold 2 dumbells against your thighs. 2. Keeping the weights close to your body, raise the dumbells up to your chin. 3. Hold for a count of 2 and slowly lower to the start position and repeat. Shrugs 1. Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold 2 dumbells against your thighs. 2. Keeping your arms straight 'shrug' your shoulders as high as they will go and hold for a count of 2. 3. Relax and repeat. 4. Do not roll your shoulders backwards as you shrug up. This can cause damage to your rotator cuff muscles over time. Biceps Dumbell Exercises As with all these dumbell exercises it's not how much weight you lift per se, but how much you overload the muscle group. If you aim for sets of 10 reps for example, as long as the exercise fatigues you at 10 reps, the weight is irrelevant. Using a lighter weight with super-strict form will produce a greater training effect because it isolates the muscle group. Decline Seated Bicep Curls 1. Adjust the bench to a 45 degree incline. 2. In this 'declined' seated position hold a dumbell in either hand at your sides. Your arms should be fully extended. 3. Keep your elbows close to your body and curl the weight up. 4. Slowly lower the weight and repeat. Hammer curls 1. Stand upright with a dumbell in either hand at your sides. 2. Turn your palms inward so they are facing your body. Your palms should be facingeach other right throughout the exercise. 3. Curl the weights up slowly keeping your elbows locked at your sides. There should be no movement from shoulder. 4. You can perform this exercise one or two arms at a time. Preacher Curls 1. Set the bench so the back rest is at approximately 45 degrees. 2. Stand behind the bench. Holding a dumbell rest the back of your upper arm on the back rest, your arm fully extended. 3. Keeping the back of your upper arm firmly against the back rest curl the weight up towards your face. 4. As you complete the curl you will notice the movement becomes easier. Slowly lower the weight until your arm is not quite fully extended and repeat for the desired number of reps before switching arms. Concentration Curls Some dumbell exercises are difficult to describe on paper but eay when you see it. This is one of them (images for all dumbell exercises are on their way). For now let's give it a shot... 1. Sit on the very edge of the bench with your feet flat on the floor and about 2 feet apart. 2. Holding a dumbell in your right hand place your right elbow on the inside of your right thigh, just above your knee. Support your back by placing your left hand on your left knee. Your right palm should be facing towards your left ankle. 3. From here use only your biceps to curl the weight up towards your face. Do not swing back as you lift the weight. 4. Slowly lower the weight and repeat for the desired number of reps before switching to your left arm. Triceps Dumbell Exercises Overhead Triceps Extension 1. Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart with a dumbell in your right hand. 2. Hold the weight directly above your head with your right arm fully extended. Clasp your right elbow with your left hand. Your left forearm should be infront of your face. 3. Slowly let your right elbow fold so that the weight is lowered behind your head. From this position extend your arm back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps and then switch arms. French Press 1. Lie flat on a bench with a dumbell in either hand. Hold the weights directly above your chest with palms facing each other. The weights should be just about touching each other. 2. Keeping your shoulders locked, let your elbows fold so the weights are lowered down to either side of your head. 3. Extend both your arms back to the start position and repeat. 4. Make sure there is no shoulder movement on this exercise. The movement should come purely from your elbows. Kickbacks 1. Stand upright with the bench next to your left leg. Bend your left leg and rest it on the bench. Bend from your lower back and support yourself by placing your left hand on the bench. Your upper body should be parallel to the ground. 2. Hold the weight in your right hand and raise your elbow so your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Your elbow should also be bent at right angles. Think of holding a pool cue ready to make a shot. In fact the movement is exactly the same... 3. Extend your elbow so now your entire arm is parallel to the ground. 4. Slowly return the weight to the start position and repeat for the desired number of reps before switching arms.
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