Well Wednesday is the Big Day
Hello everyone! I just wanted to stop in and say my surgery is a go and I will be leaving for Atlanta at about 4am maybe a tad earlier depending on the weather. Bowel Prep wasn't that bad til today made me a little sick but once i threw up i was better. DO NOT DRINK CRYSTAL LIGHT AND THE PHORPHATE TOGETHER!!!!
I wanted to say thanks you all for the kind words and support i have gotten the last six months. All of you have held my hand thru this journey and i so appreicate it. Whether it was with advince or a kind word or reading your own personal journies and following your progress all of you have been a vital part of my journey and i just want to say thank you.
I finally am at peace about the surgery. I do have a favor to ask please. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow as i finally accomplish something i have dreamed of for two and a half yrs. I need the prayers i have an adorable 3 yr old who needs her momma and i need her so please if you have a spare moment keep me and katie in your thoughts she doesn't understand what i am doing and that i am doing it for her.
Melissa Flyod is my angel and all info will be sent through her. I will get back on as soon as i can ok.
((((((HUGS))))))) to all of you,