Back from plastics & doing great!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you for your thoughts and support, especially you my secret pal! All the well wishes really touched me and made me feel so good to know people on this site really do care.
I had my abdominoplasty, breast lift/implants, and limited incision arm lift on Friday. I felt so good upon waking up in recovery that I came on home around 8pm on Friday instead of staying the nite in extended recovery. I have felt so wonderful and at times forget that Ive had any surgery at all. My tummy is so flat you could bounce a quarter off it, my boobs are perky and full and my arms look great! I couldnt be more pleased with Dr. Ahrafs work!! Shes a miracle worker!. She removed roughly 10 pounds of excess skin/subcutaneous fat from my abdomen, I was amazed! I didnt gain weight from the iv fluids (probly b/c so much skin was removed that it off set it) and am at 140. Ive had no pain at all and only minor discomfort. I can walk, brush my hair, and move around with no problems. I was expecting major pain, but have been so lucky and have non at all!
I go for my post op visit on Wednesday and will have one or possibly both drains removed. I have very minimal swelling and no bruising yet. Im just amazed at how wonderful everything looks at only 3 days out! All the sutures are self disolve so I wont have to worry about those, the line at my groin is so thin that I think the scar will barely be noticable later. Ohh, and she lifted my mons area while she was down there and I must say it looks so perfect too! My belly button is up high and is so pert and cute! Dr Ahraf will pierce it for me in a few months after its nice and healed and i think it will look so nice! My breasts are so perfect its unbelievable, I think that the scars will barely be noticible as well. the incision in my armpits is about two inches long and is horizontal so it is not noticible at all, I dont think anyone will ever be able to tell that I had them done except that the skin is nice and tight on my arms now. The incision doesnt peek out at all. Its all so amazing to me!
Well, now that Ive rambled on I will go walk around. It really helps with the slight tight feeling I have to walk and the more I walk the straighter I can stand, but then Ive not really needed to haunch over to begin with.
Again thank you all for your well wishes and wonderful support, sorry to ramble I am just so excited about the new improved me! This journey has been so amazingly wonderful and Im so blessed to be able to share it with all of you!