How long does hair loss last?????

Teresa P
on 11/12/05 10:42 am - Columbus, GA
I had surgery 4/4/05 and the first 3 months were great no hair loss! But...since July/August my hair is falling out by the HANDFULLS. I must have last 5 pounds from hair alone! Can anyone please tell me how long this will this last????? I am eating my protein, taking vitamins, and following my instructions but it contines to fall out! I finally cut it really short to make it look fuller! Any advice would be great! Hugs, Teresa
Susan Bertrand
on 11/12/05 11:51 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Different people react differently in the amount of hair loss and in the length of time they lose it. Mine started at about month 5 and lasted about 4 months. It is coming in really good now, and it is sticking up everywhere. these new little hairs seem to have a mind of their own... and they are coming in mostly gray. I started taking Biotin as soon as I got home from surgery, and that seems to have helped. Also I have read that you can use Nioxin Shampoo, and it should help. You can get it at Walmart hair places, and probably other hair supply places. Getting it cut helps alot, and washing it less frequently also helps some. Also getting highlights seem to thinken the hair up too. Just keep taking your vitamins, and making sure you keep your protien intake up, and know that soon it'll slow down and stop and begin to regrow again Hugs, Susan
terri R.
on 11/13/05 1:57 pm - huntsville, AL
mine started about the 4th month and lasted untill my 8th month. I didnt mind though because I have thick hair and it actually looked better. you are doing all the right things. be patient this to will stop. good luck
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