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on 11/11/05 8:22 am - Clarkesville, GA
Have any of you the day after pre op had a call saying your white blood count was high? I go to my regular dr on monday and getting the cbc redone. Has anyone been in this situattion? Have any advice? I am 4 days shy of haiving surgery and i am beyond stressed now. The kicker is i dont feel sick. Any suggestions and prayers would be welcomed. Thanks in advance. sandy
Heather S.
on 11/12/05 2:10 am - Villa Rica, GA
When my son was in the Hospital a few weekends back they said the same thing and it meant there was an infection somewhere. Heather
Barb in S. GA
on 11/13/05 2:52 am - Dawson, GA
Sandy, there's always a chance that it was a mistake. When I went to my PCP for my medical clearance he looked at my lab results and said several things were out of whack and the surgeon wouldn't be happy to see them. He felt there could have been a mistake in the lab, so the tests were re-done the following day, and everything was just fine. Hang in there. Barb in S. GA
on 11/13/05 5:41 am - Clarkesville, GA
Thanks for the replys. I am hanging in there. I am going ahead as if i was still having it clear liquids til after i see the dr and then if they say all is well then i will march my tail home and chug ga lug some phosphorus soda. It has been pointed out to me that it could be stress. I feel fine have no fever and have no signs of a cold or infection. Plus labs i did back in June showed the same thing. Could be inflamation from my sciatic back pain any how not giving up. Please say a prayer for me that all goes well tomorrow and that i can go live in the bathroom like you fine folks did before surgery and can get the next 60+ hrs over with and be on the loosing side.l sandy
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