on 11/7/05 10:00 am - Duluth, GA
Hi all... Sorry didn't post this weekend. It was really busy.... My weekend was .... moderate. Not HORRIBLE...not GREAT. Today was good. Although I have eaten VERY VERY little. B: Starbucks Cafe' Mocha - non fat no whip L: 2 Burger King hamburger patties with ketchup only D: nuthin yet. We'll see. Hope your weekend was great, and let me know..... WHAT DID YOU EAT TODAY????
on 11/7/05 11:19 pm - Jefferson, GA
I have to get back to Fitday planning... I was trying to do the plateu diet this week, but have not succeeded. Maybe today will be better B- 1 Egg and cheese S- 3 oz tuna L - 2 oz steak S 6 wheat crackers with peanut butter D- 1/4 of a spa chicken meal at Chinese. Steamed chicken and vegetables..has to be good for me S- had abou 8 kisses, and a mini snickers bar. Also had my protein drink....about 58 oz of water. Had a decaf with cream, and a Decaf Cafe Latte. Not sure how bad this was....I guess if I lay off the sweets and the coffee I will be ok
on 11/8/05 1:53 am - Duluth, GA
hey lady!! Not so bad at all! Yeah, those dang sweets are a kicker for me too.. I'm out of all my sugar free stuff...so I have to watch and make sure my fingers don't stray into the "REAL" junk here. Of course it doesn't help that I hit Starbucks again today. GOTTA break THAT durn habit, but it's just so darn great to start the day! LOL
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