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Thank you . I have always thought my older sister had the big eyes. But I guess when you lose weight . You start looking different. I have noticed I look like my Grandmother more and more. Which is a very good thing. I am unsure if I will be able to make the Dec. gathering. I work on Sat. But if we do make it I am sure they will have so much fun . They love to play. You are also right they are 7 and 10. .. Till later..Beth
Stephine Thank you. I am trying to talk my boss into letting me have that day off I really want to come. I know the boys want to. Thank you for telling me they are sweet they are a hand full. I was raised around girls. Boy I had no idea what I was getting into with two boys. I will tell you one thing they are all boy. As you seen they love to play and eat. lol Hope to see you in Dec. ...Beth