Shame on Wal-Mart
Wal-mart, America's largest employer with annual profits of $10 billion was embarrassed this week when an internal memo leaked by the New York Times revealed that executives want to dissuade "unhealthy" workers from applying for jobs at Wal-Mart. It was evident from the memo that one characteristic of "unhealthy" is obesity. Makes one wonder how far we may be from employers charging higher health care premiums for being obese. We have seen Southwest airlines charge morbidly obese passengers double fare. Are movie theatres far behind?
Many have asked the question, "Is Obesity a Disease?" With the discovery of over 300 genes that contribute to obesity in terms of our appetite, metabolism and how fat is stored, the answer to the question seems obvious. Whether obesity is a disease is such an important question because the answer will determine who gets treated for obesity, what treatments are available, who pays for the treatment and who stays healthy. Recognizing obesity as a disease will ultimately work to eliminate discrimination in employment, and in other areas of our lives.
I would like to introduce you to an organization that you may not have heard of. It is the Obesity Action Coalition. Here is their website You will be hearing more In the meantime, check out their website and please consider joining. We can unite and do so much good.