on 11/3/05 8:07 pm
Okay - I know we're coming into the holiday season and with that comes ADDED stress to our everyday routine. I wanted to take a few moments to help some of you realize ways that will help to relieve stress......and my MAIN thing is going to be to tell you to EXERCISE. I don't care how out of shape any of you might can do VERY simple things around the house or neighborhood that will INCREASE your METABOLISM and REDUCE your stress!!!! We all know the faster our metabolism the better we burn fat and we're all trying to loose fat right? If I get enough requests I will post daily things you can do for each major muscle groups that will help you get into shape. I can give many variations on simple things you can do around the house (because I know many of you don't belong to a gym....and only a handful of you belong to the gym I'm at ) If I can ask for one thing for Christmas it would be to help you guys meet your exercise goal!!! Let me know if your guys would like to have this information.....but remember if I post this information I want to see results from you guys!!! Much Dee Dee
on 11/3/05 10:48 pm - Macon, GA
Hi Dee Dee I'm definately interested in this, I will also need a can of motivation (sugar free of course!) I am terrible about exersizing, and yesterday my old treadmil quit working for me I've got a core ball and I've been trying different things with it and I've asked for a mini trampoline from santa (now that I'm at a weight where I won't touch the ground just standing on it)! But the motivation in a can, or even a recipe for a home made one please. Your 'determined to be better about exersize' friend, Barb and God Bless you Dee Dee.
Judy E.
on 11/3/05 11:35 pm - Stockbridge, GA
Great idea Dee Dee!! People keep asking me if I feel better and I just don't yet. I actually had alot of energy before the surgery but I should have more now and be able to exercise more and I really struggle with this. I really think it is because I just have not pushed myself to do enough exercise. I would be great to get new ideas from you (the expert)! Thanks. Judye
Phyllis B.
on 11/4/05 12:25 am
Judy, Hi! I think you and I need to exercise together. It is so hard for me to do it alone and therefore I hardly do it at all. I need to talk to you so email me your phone number. Thanks. Have a super weekend!
on 11/4/05 2:37 am - suwanee, GA
Dee Dee! I'm thrilled that you are starting this Exercise Motivation/Challenge. I've jst joined Gold Gym this week, but I certainly feel somewhat intimidated by the gym Environment as I have been out of any gym for over 8-9 years.... even though I've been workin-out somewhat by walking and swimming/water aerobics, it's different. I'm looking forward to hearing/reading your advices/comments/info......I do believe that exerecise is a major part of uor WLS journeys...It makes a big difference. Thanks, Rita
Becky F
on 11/4/05 9:11 pm - Woodstock, GA
I would love this information! What a great offer! Let the exercise begin! Love, Becky
on 11/4/05 11:50 pm - SMYRNA, GA
Dee Dee: That sounds great. I am a member of Gold's Gym and go regularly but I also have the core ball and the total gym at home. Would like to see lots of information for things to do for the arms and legs area where most of my skin is starting to wrinkle. Thank you for the suggestion. Mary
on 11/5/05 5:28 am - Dacula, GA
FYI for those that don't know...muscle strengthening will increase your RESTING metabolism!!! Also-don't forget the cardio!!!!
on 11/5/05 5:29 am - Dacula, GA
Oooooh! I do water aerobics too, but be aware, if you are able to do it, weight bearing exercise is the best to keep your bones strong! That means walking or anything like that. Happy Weekend!
on 11/5/05 8:50 pm - Cumming, GA
You're beautiful DD! Thanks! I'd love it! Gretch
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