Tyra Banks show Monday 11/7

Kelly S in GA
on 11/3/05 9:58 am - Smyrna, GA
I just read that Tyra Banks is posing as a 350lb obese woman on her show on Monday to see how overweight people are discriminated against. Here is an excerpt from Yahoo News about the episode.... Tyra Banks Goes Undercover As Obese Woman Tyra Banks has gone undercover as a 350-pound woman. Banks wore the fat suit to experience what it's like to be obese. "It seemed like the last form of open discrimination that's OK, and I decided to put on a 350-pound suit myself and live that life for a day and see what happens," the 31-year-old former supermodel told AP Radio in a recent interview. "And it was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life." Banks said she was shocked at the reaction. "I started walking down the street and within 10 seconds, a trio of people looked at me, snickered, looked me right in my eye and started pointing and laughing in my face," the talk-show host said. "And I had no idea it was that blatant." The segment will air Monday on "The Tyra Banks Show." Thought this might be an interesting show since most of us can totally relate to how she was perceived and treated. Hugs Kelly S
on 11/3/05 12:40 pm - Clarkesville, GA
Melissa F.
on 11/3/05 12:55 pm - newnan, GA
Thanks Kelly, I will definately look into that and might I add, I LOVE YOUR NEW PIC, YOU ARE BOOTYFUL. Hugs, Melissa
Stephanie P.
on 11/4/05 8:30 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Who is this woman in your picture? Surely it isn't Kelly. You look fabulous, dahling!!!!
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