A big old rant in here.

Kay Holder
on 11/3/05 3:47 am - Mableton, GA
This is slightly off topic, slightly not. Most of you know my best friend Kati, met her many times, etc. You all know how crappy she had been treating me, too. After I had surgery, she started treating me like CRAP, as did many of my other friends. She didnt like the sudden competition she had, she said, even though I'm happily married and could care less. She apologized, etc and we had worked things out. She was a host to my baby shower this coming up Saturday, and YESTERDAY she bails on me. She can't come. That's fine and all, but I know the excuse she gave me is complete bullcrap. Her friend Erica apparently went to the Dr last week and she's in kidney failure, they believe. So, they want tp put her in the hospital Saturday for some out patient tests. 1. Kati isnt her only friend. 2. As far as I know, out patient tests arent done on Saturdays 3. If she was in kidney failurem they wouldnt wait a week to test her If kati hadnt pulled things like this before, I might wouldbt doubt her. Now with 3 days until the shower, the gift baskets and half the food are missing. That's fine.. I'll do them myself.. I just cant understand why in the hell she is so threatened by my weight loss? I do and do for her and she can't even tell me with a decent ntoice that she wants out. I think it's because she's not working but I asked her 14382742 times if she was SURE she could handle it.. and she always said yes, not to worry. The only other thing I can think of she mentioned that her boyfriend FINALLY got saturday off and she wanted to spend some time with him and then said "Oh wait. Your shower is Saturday" So I know its got something to do with it. I'm just sick of her since I had this surgery. I have lost every single friend I had since surgery. I';ve gained more and better friends, but it still hurts
Trini~ Peach
on 11/3/05 5:05 am - Snellville, GA
Kay! I am so sorry to hear about your 'friend'. I don't know what to say. That is a great big pill to swallow! What can I do? Where is Mableton? Vanessa
on 11/3/05 5:20 am - Monroe, GA
Hey Kay Kay , I have had friends do that to me before , yes it does hurt . I always told myself that I am doing what a friend should do and always there for them an when they are really needed the most they are never there , it gets frustrating , I suggest since it has happened before just dont communicate with her and go on with things she will eventually realizre what she is about to lose an if she is a true friend she will apologize , and stop hurting you if not then Iwould cut tides with her period that is my advice . I am sorry , but remember yopu arre a mamma to be dont get upset and stressed ok . Much samantha
on 11/3/05 8:28 am - Clarkesville, GA
Kay, I'm sorry that this is happening to you at what is suppose to be your ''special time''. Unfortunately, I know exactly what you are going through. I have a friend that has always been jealous of me, for what I don't know, It's not like I even act like I am all that, I'm just not that kind of person, but she always brings up the negative stuff to try to downplay any compliments that I may get. Like people use to say I had pretty eyes and she'd jump in and say, well, she does wear contacts-even though my contacts aren't even the colored kind, anyway, just an example. We are still friends, but long distance and hardly see each other ever. I love her, but I don't love the way she has treated me. Maybe your friend is trying to make you dump her so she can be ''the victim'', if you know what I mean. Any friend that cannot be happy for your success and treats you like crap and bails on you at such an important event in your life dosen't sound like she's worth keeping around. Where is your shower, If it isn't that far maybe some of us could make it. Just don't let her ignorance/jealousy ruin this for you. I've only barely met you and know that you deserve to be treated better than this. Take Care and Don't be hurt-Her Loss! Hugs~ Your new friend, Rachel
Becky F
on 11/3/05 9:54 am - Woodstock, GA
Hi, Dear Kay, Kati needs to be honest with you. I have a feeling the financial part may be a biggy. I've found in my LONG life that there are some friends that you can depend on, and others who a "fair weather." She probably meant well when she committed. I truly believe Kati loves you in her own "disfunctional" way! Don't worry about the gift basket or how much food you have. Your friends are there because we want to celebrate you and Jonas!!! As long as we see YOU, it will be a party! We love you, Kay! Becky
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