on 11/1/05 10:16 am - Duluth, GA
Another good day! YAY!!! AND...I made it to the gym!!! Ended yesterday with total of 937 calories... Today...ended with 1121. (Took my dad out to dinner for fixing my car!) B: Protein shake Coffee L: Weigh****chers Frozen Meal - Pot Roast with Cauliflower, mushrooms & green beans. 2 cups applesauce S: 4 mini SUGAR FREE Hersheys.... D: Went to TGIFRIDAYS - had a small steak and broccoli! (HEY!! I fought OFF the mashed potatoes!!) S: No Sugar Added Sweet Gherkins - the Nutritional label says there are ZERO calories...does that seem right??? Anyway...much better day, and burned off almost 100 cals on the treadmill. YAY!! Hey Michelle (my accountability gal) I DID IT!!! How'd ya do??? WHAT DID YOU EAT TODAY??
on 11/1/05 10:21 am - Duluth, GA
Ok...to answer my own question, I went on line...the pickles I got are Mt. Olive No Sugar Added Sweet Gherkins. Here's what it says: "Pickles generally are healthful for what they don't have: few, if any, calories, no cholesterol, no fat and no caffeine. Even better, they add bulk to the diet and are filling. Mt. Olive's new No Sugar Added products tell a compelling story of their own: zero calories, zero sugars, and few, if any, carbohydrates." Folks...they are NUMMY and you can eat a bunch!!!
on 11/1/05 12:22 pm - Savannah, GA
ACCOUNTABILITY SISTER! YOU ROCKED TODAY WOMAN!!!!!!!! I did ok................ Bfast... shake Lunch ... vegtable soup... Dinner.... well.... 3 bites of speghetti ( I am bad bad bad...I was really hungry..and I need to grocery shop)..... and another shake... I did take my vitamins, and had 90oz of water..so that went ok .... Feels good to fess up!
on 11/1/05 12:41 pm - Austell, GA
Well this is my first. Here it goes B- weight control Quaker oatmeal L-3 slices of carl budding ham Snack- tangerrine D- bowl of chicken gumbo soup about a cup Took my vitamins and other meds about 64 oz of water no protein shake walk 45 min on treadmill 2.3 miles This is doing good for me since I have a hard time eating anything... Beth
on 11/1/05 1:02 pm - suwanee, GA
At this time I whish I had a hard time eating.....my stomach forgot about surgery as long as I don't eat fast....I can eat way more than in a first two months.....I probably stretched it....I'm not reaching for bad staff yet at all, but I eat way too much, and my hunger and thirst are back.... there were non-existant for the firs 6 weeks or so...I have been at 45 lb loss for ....over 2 weeks now, and it's not moving.... So maybe this can help me to cut down on Cals. Here it comes: Breakfast @ 7am: 2scoops of Isopure mixed in a cup of 1% milk (not too bad) Lunch at 12:30: 2 slices of ham and about 2 oz of fontina cheese (not bad either) Snack @ 2 pm: less than a handfull of peanuts Dinner at about 5 pm: Grilled chicken.....5 small strips with a few slices of cucumbers, tomatoes, and a few spinach leaves, sprinkled with oil/vinegar and chese (still being a good girl) And then comes trouble at 8 pm:nibbling on handfull of grapes, 2 small slices of turkey breast, 1 oz of broiled salmon (was cooking lunch for tomorrow). I'm even afraid to put it all in in fitday. Had all vitamins, and water. My name is Rita, and I tend to engage myself in self-destructive behavior when it comes to food
on 11/1/05 9:19 pm - Savannah, GA
Rita, First of all my surgeon told me that stretching your pouch is a myth. He told me its not possible- He said that peoples pouch size will vary, but at its largest IT might in crease to 10 oz and thats out further than we are. Secondly, I didnt see where you were bad...also.. I can eat about 4oz at a time..and I didnt see were you over did that? You call nibbiling on some grapes..and protien bad? Girl... please! Lighten up woman! I was expecing to read...some massive carb out! Your doing great.... dont be so hard on yourself!
on 11/2/05 12:34 am - suwanee, GA
Michelle, babe....I hope you are right about the "myth" part....but...even if pouches don't stretch, opening b/w pouch and intestine does stretch.... or maybe just heals and feels more comfortable now... And don't take me wrong: I'm happy about how it all going ... it's just very different from the first two month and takes more "head control" now...I don't eat anything that's not on my doctor's list (and his requirements are very specific and very strict, probably more strict than other droctors' in GA according to what I see on this board other people are allowed to eat) Anyway...I'm trying, but it's harder to stay "with the program" when you start to feel better and your appetite is back... that's all I was saying.. take care,hugs, rita
on 11/2/05 3:17 am - Savannah, GA
Rita, Its proven that the pouch can only stretch a minimal amount. If you think you are able to eat a lot more than you should, then maybe you need to talk to your surgeon and see if your new tummy is to large??? My doctor is also very strict on what I am supposed to eat........not that I always listen! ............. Rita, all I am saying lighten up on yourself. You ate some grapes and meat! Ok.. maybe you shouldn't have eaten anymore that day..or maybe you should have eaten your meat first.. or maybe you shouldn't have grapes due to the high sugar.. but all in all honey! YOU HAD grapes and meat! Your doing great! PAT yourself on the back girl, you deserve it! Hugs!
Melissa F.
on 11/1/05 7:27 pm - newnan, GA
Here goes, I feel I did so so B: 20 Oz. Water ( I went to have my nails done, pedicure and brow wax, so water was all I had) L: 1/2 small Cup French Onion Soup (Atlanta Bread Company....NO bread tho ) D: 3 tsp english peas & 1/2 piece of baked fish (the ones boxed in the frozen food section) & 2 tsp Stawberry yogurt By the way, does it look like I'm eating to much at certain meals for me to be only a little over 2 weeks out............I just don't wanna stretch the ole pouch? I drank about 15 more Oz of water today, plus took all my Vitamins and reg. meds I'm still finding it hard to eat eat eat, as when I think about food, it's BLUHHHH to me, I know I need to try and get some snakes in but it's hard when you are not hungry, Oh and I need to up the water to. The Atkins Shakes tasted good for a few days, now they are BLUHHHHH, I guess I'll go to unjury and get the non flavored powder. Love ya Lady, Melissa
on 11/1/05 7:38 pm
Today was a REALLY bad day for me. One of my bosses was in town and they had a birthday breakfast for him so I joined in. Had a CFA Biscuit...and a glass of sweet tea Lunch was a burrito from Taco Bell.... Snack was a soft taco (left over from lunch) Dinner....DID NOT STAY WITH ME (TMI Right? ) I made steamed beef ribs, mashed potatoes and corn. I didn't get to retain ANY of it so I don't count it. (If I do have to count it I literally got in ONE bite before I realized it didn't like me...) I did, however, make cookies for my kids class and had two of them...BAD BAD BAD! No other protein and only one glass of water. I'm out of my vitamins so I'm lacking on that too.... I stink badly....going to make a better choice pallet today...going to go make a protein drink now Dee Dee
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