Hubby still job hunting in Atlanta.... Any leads? HELP. lol

on 11/1/05 4:32 am - Mesquite, TX
Hi Everyone, I am Kathy.. my husband is and has been for a long while searching for a job in the Atlanta area. My family is all out there and Atlanta is home for me.. We are currently living in Texas.. and want to come home. Anyway, if anyone knows of any computer programmer positions open out there. Would you please let me know. We are having such a hard time finding anywhere that will even look at a resume from someone that doesn't live instate! uggghh grrrrr Kathy 242/130/120
Stephanie P.
on 11/1/05 4:41 am - Chattanooga, TN
Would he be interested in a system administrator or help desk position?
on 11/1/05 5:08 am - Mesquite, TX
I have no idea.. he is a Senior Consultant / Web Programmer with a company out here in Texas. I am not the computer person so I have no idea of all the job terms there are. lol Kathy Lap RNY 12/16/04 242/130/120
on 11/1/05 11:57 am - Canton, GA
Hey Kathy... here is a suggestion... as long as he can get out here quickly if someone calls... he could use a family members address and phone # to put out resumes... my brother in law and sister in law are trying to get here from detroit... and she was able to finally get a transfer here with in her company ... then that gives them a base to work from while he attempts to get down here.. also.. programmers... and the mojo that they do... well... it is in a lot more demand... I am a hardware geek myself... I wish I had codeing experince/knowledge... well anyhow..hope that helps in some small way.. good luck... Medicgeek10
on 11/1/05 11:53 am - Canton, GA
Hey Stephanie... If her hubby isn't.. I would be ... specially the sys admin position... I live in canton and work right now at the 75 / 285 area... so I ain't afraid to drive if need be... and the wages are good... Thanks Medicgeek10
Stephanie P.
on 11/1/05 9:29 pm - Chattanooga, TN
This is on the southside of atlanta (Stockbridge). E-mail me at [email protected], and I can give you more information and the fax number for your resume.
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