on 10/30/05 8:51 am - Duluth, GA
SORRY to be late again.... It's been a busy weekend!!! Duluth (DOOLOOTH) won their SECOND and last game!! WOO HOO...prior to their first win the week before, we had not won a game since Halloween 2003!!!!!!! Then Marching competition ALLLLLL day Saturday in Fayetteville... we got ALL superiors! YAY US!! FINALLY, an evening with my honey...it's been a while... SOOO...today's menu...not the best... b: (I COOKED!!!) Eggs, bacon, sausage and a biscuit. Coffee. l: 2 more biscuits. d: left over chicken fried rice...a few of Christopher's french fries s: a s/f ice cream sandwich...that pushed me over the edge...I'm nauseous now. WELL...here's to a better week. I have an "ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER" this week. Michelle K and I have been yakking on IM, and we are gonna work to keep each other straight this week. Protein/Vitamins/Water/LOW carb and TWO visits to the gym this week. We'll take any prayers or good thoughts you'd like to toss our way!! I want to lose 5 pounds by 11/8/05. It's a personal committment I made to myself. I NEED this to happen. WHAT DID YOU EAT TODAY??
Kay Holder
on 10/30/05 10:00 am - Mableton, GA
I should pass, but I will post. Breakfast - Red Baron breakfast scramble pizza - just one Lunch - 1 king crab leg, 8 shrimp Dinner - 1/2 home made french dip sandiwch w/ cheese Snack - fun size baby ruth, 2 slices of cheese, 3 slices of pepperoni. The Baby Ruth was for the baby, though.
on 10/30/05 9:41 pm - Jefferson, GA
I did not get enough food or protein in this weekend For breakfast/lunch I had a 1/2 of a taco salad For dinner, I had some turkey on a low carb wrap. I did have two of those Wolfgang Puck coffees.
on 10/31/05 6:37 am - Savannah, GA
LORDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GIRL............... ITS BEEN ROUGH.............. IN fact I have dodged food all day in fear of slippping...!!! Ill update more on todays what did you eat............. :::hugs:::::
on 10/31/05 7:29 am - Duluth, GA
I'll tell ya on TODAY's post! LOL!
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