Jittermugs Friday Nov 4
Just wanted to share that before my last child was born, I was a musician (guitar and vocals) that performed at coffee shops. I stopped because I gained so much weight that it got embarrassing. WWEELLLLLL...
I have some confidence back so I'ma gonna do it again!
I have a live audition at Jittermugs coffee shop (take 400 to exit 14 (hwy 20) and follow it to a CVS where Jittermugs is right behind it)
The more folks I bring in the better, and I promise you I'm worth it! *wink*
If anyone has no prior engagements and can make it, I will remember it!
call if you need further directions...770-781-4395
Love you all!
Hey, Gretchen!
First of wanted to congratulate you on your returning confidence.
It's great that you feel like going back to singing again. But you didn't say when you going to have your audition and you didn't say what hwy 20 turn to take to Jittermug's---is it east toward the river ow west towarddowntown *******
Of note I'm planning on going to support group to Dr. Procter's next Tue. (7 p.m.) and I remember you were looking for ways to go..... we can ride together...let me know.
best of luck, Rita.
Oh, I would love to come but that is a teeny bit far for me. Wow how I commend you for doing this, I bet you are a great talent. I sang for yrs in a traveling chorus and one summer had a solo and was had such terrible stagefright I swore to never have a solo again!! I do fine in a group but I don't know how people go at it all alone. So proud of you!!