on 10/25/05 6:56 am - Clarkesville, GA
Well finally after two years of sole searching and six months of preparing i FINALLY had my pre pre op appt today with Dr. Duncans office. I had all my clearaces and i lost 12 of the 15lbs required (thanks all of you for your suggestions on the dieting). I was checked to see if i sneaked any cigarettes but they will be happy to know i passed that today it has been 5 months since i stopped. And i have not lit up siince lol. Shannon was great and the appt went well cept they had two of us with similar names and we got mixed up. When i got my weight info sheet it showed i was 57yr old not 34 and instead of being 5'4 i had shrunk to 5'2 but all is cool we got it straightened out . Then came what i have been waiting to hear since April..........................drum roll................. my complication class with Dr Duncan is NOv. 3 my pre op testing is NOV 9 and .................... MY SURGERY DATE IS NOV. 16TH YAY. Now to be honest i have been a basket case was told to calm down bp was up but this ha**** me weird not sure how to act. A part of me is about to make a skylight in the living room while the other part feels like bawling . Hormones maybe? In shock probably, but was not expectinig to be feeling mixed up like this. I do want to take a moment to say thanks to each and every one of you for the support i have recieved here you have not only brightened my day but been a wonderful support for me during this whole process. The good lord knows what is best for us and well i can't think of a finer group of lolks to be apart of. And i am grateful every day i found this site and all of you. OK OK sorry for getting sappy. Told yall i was in weird mood mode. OK gonna go walk some of this nervous energy off lol sandy
Stephanie P.
on 10/25/05 11:27 am - Chattanooga, TN
Congratulations on your date. I know how excited you must be! I remember being excited and nervous at the same time. I look forward to getting to know you better in the months to come.
Melissa F.
on 10/25/05 11:41 am - newnan, GA
YAYYYY Sandy, , I am SOOO happy for you girl. I know you have waited sooo long for this day and not to much longer you'll be on the losing side, we'll save a seat for ya. You are only 1 day shy of being a month behind me. I'll mark my calender and be there for you girl. Hugs, Melissa Lap RNY- 10/17/05- SW - 241.5/CW - 220/GW - 141 - 21.5 lbs gone forever
on 10/25/05 12:01 pm - Clarkesville, GA
Sandy, Hey! I live in Clarkesville too and just wanted to say hello and congratulations! Write me sometime if you want to. There is another lady on here from Clarkesville as well. We might have to start a Clarkesville chapter!! Good Luck and if I can help with anything just let me know. I am so happy for you!! Hugs~Rachel
on 10/25/05 12:27 pm - douglasville, GA
Congrats on your date. I just got my date a few weeks ago and am having surgery this Friday. I felt the same way when I got my date. I got really nervous but now I am feeling very calm. I am sure Friday morning I will be a wreck. Take care and I hope everything goes great for you. Susan
on 10/25/05 7:37 pm - Duluth, GA
Wooooooooooooo Frickin HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Congrats Sandra!! How thrilling for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey...don't worry about those mood swings...they are normal... I remember how hard I tried to get a date, and how excited I was about the prospect of getting surgery....but when the doctor's office called with a date, I busted out SQUALLING and cried for about 30 minutes.... I think it's a combination of relief that the misery of being so big was coming to a close, and the nervousness of HEY!! I'm gonna have major surgery....but HOORAY!!!!!! So, you keep walking and keep us posted on you. We are so proud for you and HONORED you are a part of this board! YAY YOU!! P.S.... Can I just tell you HOW PROUD OF YOU I am that you QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! Great job!! I know that was just as hard as losing the weight!
on 10/25/05 11:26 pm - suwanee, GA
Great News , Sandra! Congratulations! Best of luck to you with the surgery , recovery, and your wight loss. And Kudos on giving up smoking! best wishes, hugs, Rita.
Trini~ Peach
on 10/25/05 11:49 pm - Snellville, GA
Good for you! Congrats! Vanessa
on 10/26/05 3:25 am - Clarkesville, GA
First off thank you all for the kind words and support... It is much appreciated Stephanie i look forward to getting to know you better as well Melissa Isn't that amazing we are only l day shy of being a month apart in surgery dates. You have been such a huge help to me and i so appreciate it and you truly are a angel. Thanks for being my angel and walking with me through this journey. Rachel LOL Thank goodness i found some one here from clarkesville. I was beginning to think Habersham County had no barriatric patients. And we absolutely need a chapter up here for Habersham, Rabun, Stepehens, White, Towns, and Banks county desperately. Especially for patients who are not associated with any specific surgeon. Everyone i know up this way has to go to Atlanta for support. Please keep in touch the minute i saw your profile i was saying i know her from somewhere. LOL i guess i have seen you around. Again thanks for the kind words. Susan please keep in touch with me and let me know how your dong okay. I will keep you in my prayers for a safe and uneventful surgery. And i hope i am as calm as you if not bring on the "zone out" meds LOL i will need them. Tami thanks for the kind words. Funny i have watched you since you started your journey and look at you your totally awesome! Yeah think the mood swings will come and go and i hope to calm down once it sinks in and i get everything ready here around the house. And yes the smoking was hard but this is how bad i want to look as good as you so willing to do almost anything to get there. Rita and Vanessa thanks for the kind words and support they are so appreiciated. ((((hugs)))) to ya all sandy
on 10/26/05 4:05 am
You'll be in LOOSERVILE very soon!!!! Congrats! Dee Dee
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